Heavy R programming

News and information about the R programming language

  • Setup library(tidyverse) # As always library(MASS) # Sampling from a multivariate distributions library(plotly) # For 3D plots OK, but what is AI actually about? Over the past two summers, I taught a statistics and research methods course to psychology students. Generally speaking, these students tend to be a little intimidated … Continue reading: What’s Artificial […]
  • Join our workshop on Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R , which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series!  Here’s some more info:  Title: Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R  Date: Thursday, March 13th, 18:00 – 20:00 CET (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)  Speaker: Ted Laderas is the Director of … Continue […]
  • Two-way repeated measures ANOVA is a powerful statistical test used to analyze datasets where two within-subject factors (independent variables) are measured multiple times for each subject. This test helps determine if there are significant differences between groups over time or across different conditions while accounting for individual variability. In this … Continue reading: Two Way […]
  • The impact of Trump tariffs has boosted gold to outpost silver. Source code: Continue reading: Gold’s Rise Over Silver Amid Trump Tariffs
  • Python seems to be everywhere these days, and I’m really into learning languages, so it should come as no surprise that I’m learning a lot of Python. This post serves as a review of Pandas Workout as well as a ‘first impression’ review of the Pandas a… Continue reading: Book Review – Pandas Workout
  • In the programming world, laziness can often be a good thing: it is both a human quality that can motivate automation efforts, and a programming concept that avoids wasting resources such as memory. Now, when reading code or documentation, seeing the w… Continue reading: Lazy introduction to laziness in R
  • No image this time Imagine you have a function that does something complicated, and in the middle of its definition it generates a variable. Now suppose that you want to save this variable and then re-use it for tests, what I mean is that you wan… Continue reading: Using options() to inject a function’s internal […]
  • Today the R package acs was recently “archived” from CRAN. This led to the choroplethr package (which I maintain) also being “archived”. I write “archived” in quotes because CRAN stands for “Comprehensive R Archive Network”: everything on it is part of an archive and it appears that nothing is ever … Continue reading: Is CRAN […]
  • Survival analysis is used to predict the time until an event of interest occurs. In this post, I show how to use scikit-learn, xgboost, lightgbm, and conformal prediction for probabilistic survival analysis Continue reading: R version of survivalist: Probabilistic model-agnostic survival analysis using scikit-learn, xgboost, lightgbm (and conformal prediction)
  • How to use large language models to assist in systematic literature reviews In the near future, we will all be doing systematic lit reviews by getting LLMs to gather data from papers. Below is an example of how to extract text data from a study. Once … Continue reading: How to use large language models […]

The 8 Best R Programming Books in 2022

New features in R 4.2.0

New course aims to train next generation of data scientists

“Ogihara and Bonnell chose to use R because it is attuned to statistical analysis and, by incorporating an increasingly popular collection of tools in R called tidyverse, students can easily learn how to process, wrangle, transform, and model data on their own, too.”

See also:

How to do R-like data manipulations using Pandas?
R and Python play a crucial role in handling and manipulating the data. Many beginners find it difficult to shift from Python to R or vice-versa in such requirements. This will help the beginners to understand the differences and also help them switch in between.

Infoworld: R Language | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Quick R – Quick intro to the R programming language

The R Project for Statistical Computing

R Commander: A Basic-Statistics GUI for R

Heavy R Programming